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Budgie Molting | Help, My Parakeet Is Molting!

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Budgie Molting | Help, My Parakeet Is Molting!

Has your budgieโ€™s cage floor turned into a sea of feathers? Are you seeing strange pins on its head and body? Might your bird be a bit more cranky than usual? No worries, nothing bad is happening: itโ€™s just your budgie molting! This is a natural, recurring process that can leave your bird a bit cranky for a couple of weeks.

Like other bird species, budgies regularly molt to replace their feathers. Letโ€™s go into what happens during a molt and what you can do to keep your bird comfortable.

Why is my budgie molting? | Molting explained

What is a molt?

Many animals molt twice a year in order to grow and shed their winter coat. Most budgies only tend to molt once every year, usually during spring, just in time to be able to attract a mate with their fresh new coat. That being said, some unlucky souls go through it twice a year or more.

Budgies donโ€™t shed their feathers to prepare for cold weather, but to keep them fresh and functional. If they didnโ€™t molt, they would end up looking pretty awful after a while and might even lose the ability to fly. Molting ensures old feathers are replaced by brand new ones to last the bird for another year.

New feathers will appear, sometimes in huge amounts, covered in keratin sheaths. These sheaths protect the new feather, which is still directly connected to your birdโ€™s blood supply, from damage. These new, covered feathers are referred to as pinfeathers and they cause many a new bird owner to panic. No worries: your bird hasnโ€™t contracted some kind of worm-like parasite and the sheaths will fall off by themselves.

Did you know? Baby budgies will go through a first, big molt at around three months of age. They lose their baby feathers and the barring on top of their head to reveal their adult plumage.

How long does molting last?

As with molting frequency, the time it takes for a budgie to replace its feathers varies per individual. Some of them go through the whole process in just one or two weeks, while others shed feathers for more than two months.

The intensity of a molt can vary as well. In some instances itโ€™s just a few feathers here and there, while other times you end up having to vacuum daily and with a very raggedy-looking bird.

White budgie photographed from the front | Budgie molting, what to do?

Is molting uncomfortable for my budgie?

You betcha! Itโ€™s not hard to imagine that molting isnโ€™t a very nice process for a bird to go through. Thatโ€™s why your budgie can appear low-energy and even cranky when itโ€™s shedding.

  • The first reason that budgie molting is uncomfortable is that it appears to be a very itchy ordeal. Youโ€™ll probably see your budgie preening itself loads and trying to reach difficult feathers by rubbing its head on perches and other objects.
  • Secondly, regrowing all those feathers takes a lot of energy and nutrients. Thatโ€™s why a molting budgie will sleep more, seek less contact with humans and other budgies, and might be more interested in its calcium block and food in general.
  • Lastly, thereโ€™s the matter of safety. Although they donโ€™t lose all their feathers at once (to avoid becoming unable to fly), a molting budgie will still be in a state of unease because it knows it might not have the energy and wing power to flee from possible predators. This is another reason why many birds withdraw a bit during a molt.

Did you know? If your budgie has been molting for more than three months straight or if its feathers arenโ€™t growing back in, you might want to ring your avian vet for advice. This might be a sign that something is off, like thyroid issues or even heightened stress levels. This also applies if significant bald spots appear.

Budgie parakeet with white pinfeathers on its head during molt.
No worries, your budgie doesnโ€™t have worms growing out of its head! Itโ€™s molting and those are pinfeathers.

How can I help my budgie during its molt?

Itโ€™s not nice seeing your beloved budgie molting and feeling uncomfortable, but luckily, there are some things you can do.

Of course, you should leave your bird alone if it doesnโ€™t want contact, even if itโ€™s normally very snuggly. Other than that, you could try the following:

  • Baths. Many budgies will love to splash around during their molt. This alleviates some of the pinfeather itch and helps to make sure the molt goes smoothly. If your budgie doesnโ€™t like to bathe, you can try misting it with a spray bottle.
  • Rest. Plenty of sleep is very important for proper feather development! Make sure your budgie gets around 12 hours of undisturbed shuteye. Itโ€™s also a good idea to provide a quiet spot that the bird can retreat to during the day.
  • Nutrition. A proper parakeet diet is always important, but even more so when your budgie is molting. A high-quality pellet, lots of veggies, a good source of calcium and access to fresh water at all times are crucial.
  • Scratches. Not all budgies will accept head and neck scratches, especially during a molt, but if yours does then you can help alleviate its itches.

    Just be gentle and donโ€™t get too offended if your bird gives a warning bite: you might have rubbed a pinfeather the wrong way and caused a sting. Scratches can help loosen pinfeather sheaths in spots the bird canโ€™t reach by itself.
  • Comfort. Just try to make sure your budgie is comfortable. Keep the home at room temperature and try to avoid stressors.
White budgie parakeet with wet feathers after taking a bath.
Many budgies will love to bathe during their molt.

Frequently asked questions

Do budgies molt in winter?

Yes, they might. If yours is molting and itโ€™s cold, be sure to keep its cage in a toasty room and prevent drafts.

Do budgies puff up while molting?

Molting isnโ€™t necessarily a trigger for a puffy budgie, although they might if theyโ€™re feeling a bit chilly or under the weather.


Although it can be a bit exasperating to deal with feather storms and a cranky bird, budgie molting is a normal part of this speciesโ€™ yearly cycle. Donโ€™t stress and just try to keep your budgie as comfortable, stress-free and well-fed as possible. Itโ€™ll be over before you know it!

Donโ€™t forget to have a look at the full budgie care guide to make sure you know all about what your parakeet needs to thrive.

If you have any more questions about budgie molting or if you want to share your own experiences in dealing with a molting parrot, donโ€™t hesitate to leave a comment below!

  • Marijke Puts

    Marijke is a full-time niche blogger and pop science writer, founder of Psittacology, and overly enthusiastic bird mom. Originally from The Netherlands but living in sunny Spain, she spends her time wrangling cockatiels, writing about parrots, cooking, diving and hiking. About me | Contact me

  • Dr Daisy A. May, Veterinary Surgeon

    Psittacology's resident fact-checking vet, Daisy has always had a keen interest in all things avian, and grew up with conures, Indian ringnecks, and kakarikis. Determined to pursue a career helping furry and feathered beings, she qualified with distinction from the University of Liverpool vet school in 2019. About me

2 thoughts on “Budgie Molting | Help, My Parakeet Is Molting!”

    • Hi! As described in the article, you should be sure to have a calcium block available. You could also consider giving a little bit more high-protein food like egg. Or consider something like Harrison’s High Potency!


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