Golden Conure Parrot Profile | (Queen of Bavaria Conure)
Looking to add a parrot to your family? If the golden conure has caught your eye, you’re not alone. This super-colorful bird is considered one of the most beautiful in …
Looking to add a parrot to your family? If the golden conure has caught your eye, you’re not alone. This super-colorful bird is considered one of the most beautiful in …
Thinking about getting a parrot and considering Myiopsitta monachus, better known as the quaker parrot or monk parakeet? Nice choice! Although they’re not for everyone, these cheerful South American parrots …
Thinking about adding a nanday conure to your family? These friendly and playful South American parrots can make great pets—but only for people with a very high tolerance for noise. …
Looking for a small parrot to add to your family? If you don’t mind a little craziness, the clownish but friendly crimson-bellied conure may be just the bird for you. …
Thinking about adding a white-bellied caique to your family? It’s important to learn more about caring for these South American parrots before taking the plunge. They have very big personalities …
Here’s a parrot you may not have heard of before: Agapornis pullarius, more commonly known as the red-headed lovebird. Unlike some other lovebirds, which are among the most popular pet …
Parrots in general are known for being extremely colorful birds, but this one takes the cake! The eastern rosella (Platycercus eximius) from Australia is not a large bird, but it …
The black lory, native to Indonesia, is one of the most striking parrots out there. Although it’s many a parrot lover’s dream species to own, as of right now, it’s …
The South American genus Pyrrhura contains various beautiful parakeets, also known as conures. The green cheek conure is the most well-known, but there’s more! Today, let’s have a look at …
The black-cheeked lovebird, scientifically known as Agapornis nigrigenis, is a fascinating and colorful bird species native to southern Africa. Despite its charming personality and eye-catching looks, this lovebird isn’t commonly …