Can Parrots Eat…? 18 Fruits Safe For Parrots

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Home » Parrot diet » Can Parrots Eat…? 18 Fruits Safe For Parrots

Can Parrots Eat…? 18 Fruits Safe For Parrots

If you’re looking to feed your parrot a healthy diet, you may be wondering if they can eat fruits. The answer is yes! Many wild parrots eat different species of fruits as part of their natural diet. But how do you know if a certain fruit is safe or not?

Let’s go into 18 common fruits safe for parrots so you don’t have to doubt!

A note on fruit for parrots

Although many parrots naturally consume fruits, this doesn’t mean that they should make up a large part of their diet in our homes. The fruit eaten in the wild is not cultivated for humans and it’s often unripe. This means it’s usually lower in sugar and calories. Our ‘human fruits’ are often simply too sugary for our birds to eat daily!

A piece of fruit here and there, maybe a few times a week, is fine. To still be able to feed plenty of healthy fresh produce, you can focus more on vegetables for parrots instead.

If you’re still wondering what exactly the average parrot should eat and in which quantities, you can head over to the full article on parrot diet.

Safe foods parrots can eat

Can a parrot eat banana?

Yes, banana is perfectly safe and many parrots like it. They can also have plantain, banana’s less sweet cousin.

Can a parrot eat pineapple?

Although pineapple is quite acidic, it doesn’t seem to upset the average bird’s stomach. So yes!

Can parrots eat grapes?

Yes, and they tend to love the crunchy texture. Even a single grape can keep a smaller bird busy for a good while.

Lorikeet parrot reaching for a piece of apple on a stick.

Can parrots eat tomatoes?

Of course, tomatoes are officially a fruit as well, so they deserve a place on this list. Although tomatoes are sometimes listed as too acidic for parrots, in reality they’re unlikely to cause issues. In fact, they’re a great option, as they’re much less sugary than most of the other fruits on this list.

Your parrot can have all types of tomatoes. It can also have the related tomatillo and tamarillo, which is often referred to as tree tomato.

Can parrots eat strawberries?

Sure, but keep in mind they stain! Don’t be alarmed if your parrot looks like it mauled someone to death for a few days.

Can parrots eat watermelon?

Yes, watermelon is a great option for summer to keep your parrot hydrated. You can also feed other types of melon, like cantaloupe, honeydew and more.

Can parrots eat apple?

Apple is a staple that many parrots adore, as many of these birds seem to have a fondness for fruits with a crunchy texture. It’s a good idea to take the pits out: they contain a small amount of cyanide.

Indian ringneck parrot sitting on a fence eating a whole apple.

Can parrots eat dates?

Dates are the fruits of date palms. Parrots actually have a special relationship with palms in general, eating their fruits and nesting in hollow trees. As such, they can indeed have dates, although due to the sugar content you shouldn’t feed the dried ones too often. If you have access to fresh dates, that’s perfect as well.

Parrots can also have palm oil fruits, if these are available where you live.

Can parrots eat papaya?

Papaya and its peppery seeds are perfectly safe for parrots.

Can parrots eat oranges?

Oranges are often considered a bit on the acidic side, but they’re unlikely to cause trouble. There’s no problem in offering a slice to your parrot. The same goes for mandarin, blood orange, pomelo, grapefruit, kumquat and the like.

Sun conure parot (genus Aratinga) enjoying a halved orange.

Can parrots eat figs?

Yes! Both fresh and dried figs are fine for parrots, although fresh is preferable.

Can parrots eat guava?

Guava is perfectly safe for parrots.

Can parrots eat kiwi?

Yes, your parrot can eat the whole thing including the skin.

Can a parrot eat mango?

Sure! A nice option is to offer the mango pit with some meat still on it to your bird and have the rest yourself. They love picking off every last tasty bit.

Small green parrot hanging upside down eating a green mango.

Can parrots eat raspberries?

Raspberries are fine and so are loads of other berries. Blackberries, blueberries, gooseberries, the whole lot – all of the ones that are edible for humans can safely be offered to your bird.

Can parrots eat lemons?

Your parrot can eat lemon, but I personally only give it in small amounts here at Psittacology headquarters. You’re getting into very acidic territory here and your parrot can end up with an upset stomach if it’s overdone. The same goes for lime.

Can parrots eat dragon fruit?

Sure! This funky cactus fruit is perfectly safe. That also goes for other cactus fruits, by the way. Some parrot species actually naturally eat them.

Can parrots eat pomegranate?

Yes, and it’ll keep your bird busy for ages… but also make for a grand old mess. Pomegranate juice will stain their feathers.

Indian ringneck parrot sitting on a glass fruit bowl filled with pomegranates.

Other safe fruits for parrots

There are too many fruits out there to list here, but you’ll be happy to know that almost all of them are safe for parrots. A few options to consider that we haven’t mentioned yet are:

  • Pear (it’s recommended to remove the pits)
  • Starfruit (carambola)
  • Physalis (inca berry, related to the previously mentioned tomatillo)
  • (Flat) peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums (just remove the pit)
  • Cherries (also recommended to remove pits)
  • Persimmon (kaki)
  • Passion fruit
  • Lychee
  • Coconut
  • Mangosteen
  • Jocote (from the cashew family, common in the Caribbean)
  • Jackfruit
  • Cherimoya (custard apple)
  • Breadfruit
  • Durian (if you dare, it’s very smelly!)
  • Loquat (sold as níspero here in Spain)
  • Quince (sold as membrillo here in Spain)
  • Tamarind

Did I forget a fruit your parrot loves? Just leave a comment below and I’ll include it in the list to help inspire other parrot owners. After all, variety is key!

Did you know? Wild parrots consume a variety of fruits that us humans wouldn’t dream to. Most aren’t very sweet. Ever heard of Mexican strangler fig fruit, Barbados nut fruit or plum pine? Some parrots have! This is why it’s difficult to imitate their natural diet in the home.

Renton, 2001

Unsafe parrot fruits

Can a parrot eat avocado?

As you’ve probably concluded from this list, there aren’t many fruits your parrot can’t eat. Sure, for stone fruits, apples and pears, it’s recommended to take the pits out. You should take it easy with very acidic fruits like lemon. However, there is one significant exception that you should keep away from your bird: avocado.

All parts of the avocado tree are considered toxic to parrots. In a rather unelegant study in 1989, six out of eight budgies that were force-fed avocado passed away.

If you have any more questions about fruits that parrots can eat or if you’d like to share your own experiences, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below.


Hargis, A. M., Stauber, E., Casteel, S., & Eitner, D. (1989). Avocado (Persea americana) intoxication in caged birds. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association194(1), 64-66.

Renton, K. (2001). Lilac-crowned Parrot diet and food resource availability: resource tracking by a parrot seed predator. The Condor103(1), 62-69.

  • Marijke Puts

    Marijke is a full-time niche blogger and pop science writer, founder of Psittacology, and overly enthusiastic bird mom. Originally from The Netherlands but living in sunny Spain, she spends her time wrangling cockatiels, writing about parrots, cooking, diving and hiking. About me | Contact me

9 thoughts on “Can Parrots Eat…? 18 Fruits Safe For Parrots”

    • Yes, though keep in mind that their feathers can get stained very heavily! But they’re a healthy choice. 🙂

    • Sorry about the late reply, I was on holiday 🙂 I can’t find any specific information on this, but given caigua’s composition, I don’t think there would be any issues there. It grows in many parrots’ natural habitats, too. You could give it a shot with a small piece. 🙂

    • Fresh yes, canned no! It’s best to avoid canned fruits due to their high sugar content and lack of nutrients. You can also give him the pineapple crown to play with, it’s safe for them. 🙂


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